Parents & Students
Have real-time access to all the information regarding your child to track their educational progress, without having to visit the institution
Streamline your daily management
A 360° view of the education.
Complete visibility into your child's activities and benefits in real time: grades, absences, homework, and school events.
Simplified communication
Easier interaction with the different parts of the institution. Ask your questions and receive quick and effective responses.
Une optimisation du temps
Time and energy saved through your child's educational journey in a single space that consolidates all the information.
Communiquez directement et efficacement avec les enseignants et les membres de l’administration de l’établissement scolaire
Discutez et échangez en temps réel sur des sujets spécifiques liés à la vie scolaire de votre enfant.
Store and update your child's vaccination record, which can be crucial in case of a medical emergency at school.