Questions / Answers
Educap is a digital platform for managing school administration and student life, an online solution that allows the educational team, students, and parents to communicate and collaborate effectively. This tool helps manage timetables, absences, grades, homework, extracurricular activities, and more.
Access to Educap is through a link provided by the school. You can also download the dedicated mobile app to access your digital space on your smartphone or tablet.
Educap is accessible to school administrators, teachers, students, and their parents. Different users have limited access to features based on their profile.
The use of Educap varies depending on your profile. Teachers can use the platform to create timetables, manage grades and homework, share teaching resources, communicate with students and parents, and more. Students can use the digital space to access homework, grades, timetables, and more. Parents can use the platform to track their children's progress, communicate with teachers, and more.
Parents or students can report an absence through the digital platform. Simply log in to the platform and fill out the designated form. Teachers can then be notified of the absence and take the necessary actions.
Students and parents can access academic results through the digital platform. Simply log in to the platform and view the grades in the dedicated section.
Students and parents can contact a teacher through the platform. Simply log in to the digital space, search for the teacher's profile, and access their contact information. Teachers can also communicate with students and parents via the platform.